Husband telling wife "you are free"

Q: My husband just spoke one time with me now like this "you are free from my side if you don't clean the house right now".

My question is that is it divorce? I am sick and also pregnant this time. 

A: If there is a practice in vogue in the place that you live in where the words "you are free" are used for a clear divorce, then you will be divorced one revocable divorce in the case where you did not do the work he asked you to do. If you did what he asked you to do, then no divorce will take place.

However, if in the place that you live in, the words "you are free" are not used for a clear divorce, then in this case, since the words "you are free" can imply divorce, your husband should be asked whether he intended a divorce through this sentence. If your husband intended divorce, then one irrevocable divorce will take place in the case where you did not do what he asked you to do. If you did what he asked you to do, then no divorce will take place.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)