Following Islam out of fear for Allah Ta'ala

Q: I follow Islam out of fear of hell and of Allah's wrath, not out of love for Him or a desire for paradise and I don't like Allah. For me he is something cruel entity but powerful because he is a creator or God. I always think he will be going to harm me and not going to benefit me and He never benefited me, as I said I follow Islam because of fear. I don't want His hell or paradise both, can I make dua for Allah to save me from his hell as well as his heaven?

A: Your reasoning is lopsided. The fact is that you are enjoying billions of favours of Allah Ta`ala, whereby you can eat, talk, see, hear, have a home etc.; these are all favours of Allah Ta`ala which you have not paid Him for. He has brought you up in a good home with respect.

These are just some of the few bounties you enjoy every second. He has allowed you to breathe fresh air and move around, not to be dependent. These favours are such that it is only someone who is loving, caring, compassionate and merciful who will do this for His servants.

The one who is not caring, compassionate, loving and kind will never do this. He would have choked you to death in one moment. You should be actually crying out of gratitude to Allah Ta`ala and begging Him for His continuous love and for the comfort of this life and the next.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
